Friday, 12 June 2009

Mulching Film - Major Success.


LUIBEG International are extremely pleased to announce that the first section of a series of trials using a multi layer silver and black mulching film containing a unique d2w formulation have been concluded with exceptional results.

The field trials which are being conducted over a period of 2 years in South India and commenced last Summer, are under the supervision and operation of a Government Research Agency. The overall objectives are to establish that: 1) the d2w will firstly work with this specific application under such climatic conditions; 2) the mulching film would degrade within the required time-frame in order to allow for a double cropping programme and 3) the use of the mulching film would ensure an increase in the yield of the primary crop.

Each objective in this first year`s trial has been achieved with significant results and we are delighted with the outcome. A further series of extremely successful tests, including Accelerated Fluorescent UV Ageing and Cabonyl Optical Density Measurement have been conducted on the mulching film by Symphony Environmental Ltd at our request.

A comprehensive Paper will be published by the Government Research Agency in due course and we will be reporting this in full, along with photographs and more detailed information as soon as possible.

The second section of the trial will commence in August and we are all looking forward to the outcome of the trials. In India, there is a growing and strong demand for the use of mulching film across numerous aspects of agriculture, forestry and the plantations*.

* Tea and coffee estates and rubber plantations

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Number One


We are delighted to give a further update on our original report of 4th March regarding the endorsement of oxo-biodegradable plastics in Karnataka. Now that the Elections have passed and everything has become more settled, we are progressing well with the promotion and sales of d2w in the South Indian States.
To this end, we are shortly going to call a major press conference which will allow us to promote the benefits of using oxo-biodegradable plastics in India and this will be endorsed by the various Senior Government Officials who attend the Conference, although at this point in time, we cannot release specific information.
Obviously, no Minister or Government Official can specify the use of d2w over any other product and we have to make this very clear. We are inviting everyone who is interested in this important technical development to attend the event, which will be covered by TV and journalists. A very full report with links will be published on the day of the Conference.
As we have previously stated elsewhere on this site, Government Agencies are already endorsing the use of oxo-biodegradable plastics as the only way forward - and all contain d2w additives. We are extremely pleased to have their active support and positive involvement. The Government and State Pollution Control Boards have been of considerable help to us, as they recognize the fact that something must urgently be done to deal with the menace of plastic pollution.
The solution will be the introduction of oxo-biodegradable plastics and the licensing of all manufacturers, as users of this technology -our involvement will be to ensure that those manufacturers see the benefit from using d2w additives in all applications of plastic production and that, they actually use this brand of additive.